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After my first year of law school, I put together a list of books and other resources I believed incoming law students and 1Ls would find helpful. This post updates and expands the list to include books helpful to law students, prelaw students, attorneys, and paralegals at any stage of their career. I’ve also added my own book about legal writing to the list. 📚 Ryan McCarl's book Elegant Legal Writing is now available on Amazon and Audible!

Ryan McCarl’s book Elegant Legal Writing is now available from the University of California Press. I’ve pasted the jacket copy and blurbs below. I’ll continue to post excerpts and other useful content on the Elegant Legal Writing blog and on LinkedIn. By sharing posts you find helpful, you can help me spread the word about a book that can do a lot of good in the legal profession. It will help many attorneys, law students, and others write more confidently and persuasively.

📚 Ryan McCarl's book Elegant Legal Writing is now available on Amazon! Buy a copy at bit.ly/elw-book and follow his blog at elegantlegalwriting.com. Ryan also maintains a free blog and email newsletter with legal writing tips, and regularly posts about legal writing and strategy on LinkedIn. Thank you for your time and readership. —— Ryan McCarl (LinkedIn | Twitter/X | Blog) is an attorney and law professor in Los Angeles.


Second Stage

Ryan McCarl’s personal blog with short essays, memoir fragments, and notes from his readings and travels.
